In this small but though provoking booklet the author suggests that many of the traditional ways and values, which sustained civilizations for centuries, offer vital pointers to a more liberating and selfreliant system that allows for greater harmony. He adds that revitalising peoples’ sciences can restore to millions of the Creativity and the power wrenched from them.
by: Anil Awachat
Pages: 230 /PB/2005
Price: 250
People is about human life forced to survive at the margins. People dwells on the stories of immigrants squeezed beyond tolerance by scarcity: construction workers, adivasi’s, coolies carrying cement or lime in railway yards, workers processing chillies, women manufacturing beedis, This is life in the raw, in the sewer, in the gutter, shrouded in clouds of pollution, filth and despair. This is how the other half in India still lives. But people also a book about human dignity.
by: Dharampal
Pages: 1390 / PB / 2007
Price: Rs.900
-Indian Science and Technology in the eighteenth century (Vol.1) -Civil disobedience in Indian tradition (Vol.2) -The beautiful tree: Indigenous Indian Education in the eighteenth century (Vol.3) -Panchayat Raj and Indian Politics (Vol.4) -Essays in Tradition, Recovery and Freedom (Vol.5) One of the foremost authors of our time writes on history, design, traditional knowledge, education& science of ancient India.
by: Andrew and Angela Donovan
Pages: 166/ PB/--
Price: Rs. 195
The hidden oracle describes their astonishment at being told the precise details of their past, present and predictions of their future, which has been recorded in Sanskrit on palm leaves millennia ago. The Hidden Oracle provides an inspiring look into one of the greatest mystical secrets of India, and shows you how to find it for yourself.